Aqua aerobics classes are a fun way to get fit, stay healthy and exercise in a way that supports your joints and tissues. We offer a variety of classes at several locations around Perth & Mandurah. Book your Aqua Aerobics class today by clicking the yellow button below.
Aqua aerobics classes are a fun way to get fit, stay healthy and exercise in a way that supports your joints and tissues. We offer a variety of aqua classes at each location.
Our water is warm and clean (double sanitised) and we have highly trained aqua instructors to teach you in a fun, safe and effective class.
Our Aqua classes are so popular and social that life-long friends have been made in some centres!
Kirby Swim has 6 convenient locations across Mandurah & the Perth Metro area for all of its swimming lessons & programs. The coloured images down below indicate which of our locations offer this service.
Fill out the form below and one of our team will be in contact shortly.
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